Current Fees


Fees Effective January 1, 2025

Age Group Base Fees Affordability Grant Parent Portion
12 – 18 months $1443/month $883/month $560/month
19 – 35 months $1236/month $709/month $527/month
3 – 5 years $1125/month $626/month $499/month
Kindergarten $1007/month $626/month $381/month
Out of School Care $630/month (Sept – June)

$730 (July & August)



Parent subsidy adjustments will be applied once children are showing on our operator report.

Childcare fees are required to be paid in full on the 1st of the month in order to maintain a space for your child.  Childcare fees must be paid by setting up a Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement with the Director.

There is no holding fee for your time away from the center for holidays, vacations or extended leaves of absence. Part time families are required to pay for their designated days regardless if they have been sick or away.

Childcare fees include AM snack and extracurricular programming, activities and family events. Field trips have additional fee.



“Learning through Play“